What do we offer

NeuroNanotech offers 11 MSCA (Marie Skłodowska Curie) fellowships to outstanding researchers recruited on a full-time employment contract for the maximum duration of 3 years (36 months) to undertake a PhD project.

Open positions are published on this website and associated social networks, as well as on EURAXESS website.

See the PhD projects.

What can be funded

Fellows will receive a living allowance (covering salaries, social security contributions, taxes and other costs included in the remuneration) and a mobility allowance (mobility costs to take up the position). Where eligible, a family allowance, provided for married researchers, (or status equivalent to marriage) or researchers with dependent children, will be made available. 

    How to apply 

    The candidates must use the NeuroNanotech platform for sending their applications.

    Please read carefully the Guide for Applicants and download the application documents.

    To submit, please register here and upload your application documents in the submitting area.

    Candidates are called to check the eligibility criteria before sending their applications.